A global symbol of good fortune
The Maneki-Neko is believed throughout Japan to bring good luck. Maneki-Neko literally means "the cat that invites to pass," a sign of good fortune or a wish for success.
The Origin of Neko Games
Are you familiar with Gōtokuji Temple and the Legend of Maneki-Neko?

Gōtokuji Temple is located in Setagaya, Tokyo. The temple is closely linked to the legend of Maneki-Neko, the famous "beckoning cat" figure. According to the story, in the early 17th century, a samurai named Ii Naotaka was resting under a large tree near the temple. Suddenly, a thunderstorm approached, and Naotaka noticed a cat seemingly beckoning him with its paw. Following the cat's invitation, he entered the temple just in time to avoid a lightning strike that hit the tree where he had been resting moments earlier.
Grateful for the cat's timely intervention, Naotaka decided to dedicate the temple to the Ii clan as a token of his appreciation.

Interestingly, the cat depicted in the logo is actually a female Japanese cat.
The cat
The cat in this story is tricolour and has its right paw raised. This maneki-neko, of the Japanese bobtail breed, represents unexpected fortune, encompassing both good and bad luck. Neko Games combined various legends and breeds of maneki-neko to create the figure that represents us today. Let’s explore the meaning of each of its parts:

Right and left paw:
Its right paw holding a Koi: This symbolises assured financial good luck rather than unexpected fortune.
Its left paw in motion: This invites more people to the business to generate increased activity.
Its white colour: This choice is because this colour symbolises the birth of good luck.
Its red collar: This is a traditional feature, not merely a decorative choice. Ancient Japanese texts describe a white cat with a red collar, believed to be enchanted, travelling the world.

How to use it?
Make sure its paw is raised and facing the front door. This way, you will attract money from that direction
Its paw should be constantly in motion.
The higher its paw is, the greater its ability to attract good luck.
Ours Maneki-Nekos

We invite you to place the Maneki-Neko in your home or workplace, keeping in mind the mentioned guidelines. Share a photo of your Maneki-Neko on social media and become a distributor of good fortune.